07 Sep

Before embarking on how CBD affects your testosterone levels, it is vital that we first understand some facts about testosterone such as:

  • What it is.
  • Where its production takes place.

What is Testosterone?

It is the primary male sex hormone, typically produced in men by the testicles. It is responsible for the secondary sexual characteristics typical of an adult male. It also stimulates the production of sperms and a man’s sex drive. Additionally, it helps build muscles and bone mass.

What is CBD Oil?

CBD oil is a derivative of the marijuana or hemp plant and has been making milestones in the health sector lately due to its ability to act as a natural anti-inflammatory, promote recovery and also a post-workout pain reliever. Also, building evidence shows that CBD oil may be useful in the elimination of various health issues, including social anxiety, insomnia, and depression, read more research at herbonaut.com

Though CBD and THC are derived from the same plant, it is crucial to understand that they are not the same. CBD is characterized with a calming effect while THC brings the ‘high’ effect as it is psychoactive. This is related to testosterone because they interact differently with the endocannabinoid system. The endocannabinoid system is the body’s natural cannabinoid system. It is a network of neurotransmitters serving various functions such as controlling the immune response as well as pain. Study shows that when cannabinoids interact and bind to the receptors, there is a suppression in the production of testosterone. Although this sounds negative, it primarily applies to THC not CBD.

You can purchase CBD oil from any online dispensary one also use disposable cbd vape pens to get full benefits of its therapeutic properties. That said, what is the exact impact of CBD intake on testosterone levels?

CBD may induce cortisol suppression

Cortisol is the body’s primary catabolic hormone which is released by the adrenal glands due to high physical or mental stress. The main functions of cortisol are the facilitation of the conversion of protein to glucose process, which generates energy and inhibition of tissue growth. A study in the Brazilian Journal of medical and biological research shows that cortisol and CBD are closely related. Notably, it interferes with the secretion of cortisol and thus has a direct effect on the reduction of cortisol levels in the blood. According to a study, testosterone and cortisol have a negatively inverse relationship meaning that the increase of one causes the decrease of the other, and vice versa. Thus, by reducing cortisol, you lead to a rise in testosterone levels.

Balancing of testosterone levels in the body

There is evidence to suggest that CBD has the potential to reduce testosterone production. At the same time, it limits the breakdown of testosterone within the liver. Similarly, CBD does not reduce the levels of circulating serum testosterone within the blood as it remains in circulation for a longer duration.

CBD stimulates the production of testosterone

CBD has shown promise in limiting the production of prolactin hormone. According to a study, excess prolactin in men lowers the production of testosterone. This is because they respond to stress; lower testosterone levels are a natural indication of stress. Increased cortisol levels can negatively affect your physical health with time. This is because your tissues begin to breakdown, and proteins will not synthesize at a fast rate. By limiting stress, you are bound to increase your testosterone levels. CBD has anxiolytic effects, which means that in some individuals, it causes a feeling of relaxation. In addition, CBD is a remedy against social and general anxiety disorders.

Influences the protein synthesis

Study shows that cannabinoids at low concentrations may directly interfere with the Leydig cells, responsible for protein and testosterone synthesis. However, the essential fatty acids found in CBD oil extracted from hemp increase testosterone production. A study conducted in 2010 focused on testosterone levels in the consumption of certain fats. It revealed that there was a positive association between the intake of polyunsaturated fats such as omega 6 and 3 and luteinizing hormone concentrations. Also, the increase of essential fatty acids improves testicular functions, thus improving testosterone production levels.


Most evidence at present shows that the use of CBD daily is unlikely to increase your testosterone levels. To naturally improve testosterone levels; concentrate on taking a balanced and healthy diet, losing excess weight, and reducing stress. Incorporating testosterone supplements also boost your testosterone levels significantly. Remember that the use of CBD in all of these measures delivers faster results; hence, once paired with either, it increases your testosterone levels.

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