29 Mar

Have you ever woken up with a dark, reddish-purple mark on your skin that you couldn't explain? It's likely that you have a hickey. Hickeys are not dangerous, but they can be embarrassing and uncomfortable. In this article, we will discuss the definition, meaning, and synonyms of hickey

What is a Hickey?

A hickey, also known as a love bite or a kiss mark, is a type of bruise caused by suction on the skin. It is often seen on the neck, but it can also appear on other parts of the body. Hickeys are usually not painful, but they can be tender to the touch.

How is a Hickey Formed?

A hickey is formed when someone sucks on the skin with enough force to break the small blood vessels beneath the skin's surface. This causes blood to leak into the surrounding tissue, creating a reddish-purple mark.

Symptoms of a Hickey

The most common symptom of a hickey is a dark, reddish-purple mark on the skin. It may also be tender to the touch or slightly swollen. Some people may also experience mild pain or discomfort.

Hickey vs. Bruise

Although a hickey is technically a type of bruise, it differs from a regular bruise in several ways. A hickey is caused by suction, whereas a regular bruise is usually caused by a blunt force injury. Additionally, a hickey is often located on the neck, while bruises can appear anywhere on the body.

How Long Does a Hickey Last?

The duration of a hickey varies depending on the severity. A minor hickey may only last a few days, while a more severe one may take up to two weeks to heal completely.

Can Hickeys be Dangerous?

Hickeys are generally not dangerous, but they can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition. In rare cases, a hickey can cause a blood clot or an infection, which can be potentially life-threatening. If you experience any unusual symptoms or are concerned about your hickey, you should speak to a healthcare provider.

How to Get Rid of a Hickey

There are several home remedies that can help reduce the appearance of a hickey, such as applying a cold compress, rubbing the area with a toothbrush, or using aloe vera gel. However, there is no guaranteed way to get rid of a hickey quickly. The best course of action is to wait for it to heal naturally.

Hickey Synonyms

Hickeys are also known as love bites, kiss marks, or passion marks.


Hickeys may be embarrassing, but they are generally harmless. They are caused by suction on the skin and can take several days to heal. Although there is no guaranteed way to get rid of a hickey quickly, there are several home remedies that may help. If you are concerned about your hickey, you should speak to a healthcare provider. 

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