21 Sep

The design of websites that are seen on the internet in many ways is the web design. Basically, a website development contains many phases and functionality that can be easily done by the Web Design Company in Gurgaon. Creating the user experience phase is referred to as the web design. It focuses to design websites that fit in to desktop, mobile, and tablet browsers. This phase has become extremely important for any website development as this is the interface that connects the users to the application.

So, now having a bit of what a web design is & who works on it?

Web Design

A web designer would be the one who oversees proper web design. A web designer works on the layout, appearance, and sometimes content of a website. The Layout of a web page would indicate the way information is placed in a structure and categorized way. The Appearance of the webpage would refer to color, images, font that needs to be used to make the website more attractive to the users. A good web design is easy to use, attractive and it should be on pair with the overall brand of the website.

Webpages should focus on simplicity and the Web Designers should take care that there are no unnecessary information and functionality present on the webpage that would lead to confusion and distraction to the users.

Best Designs & Layouts

Responsive and adaptive design are best website designs that suit for both desktop and mobile. In a responsive design, you have the content that moves dynamically on the screen adjusting itself to the screen size. In an adaptive design, the website content will be fixed with respect to the layout sizes that usually matches a pre-defined screen size.

A well-designed website provides much more than what a user wants. They tend to attract users and people can understand the company, branding, and product in a better way. When your website works in a way that is attractive and meaningful, it means that every element of the website would work towards a specific goal.

In order to achieve this, you should follow a holistic web design process that would take care of both the interface and function into account.

A Creative Website Design Requires the Following 7 steps.

  • Identify the goal – Identify what the website is about. Talk to the client to get the requirements and the offerings that the website should provide. For example, if the website is about mobile phones, then it should cover the entire range of mobiles, specifications, etc.

Here, you may have to deal with questions like who the site is for, what is expected, is the website to sell products or information sharing, whether the website must convey a brand’s core message, ways the site can replace its competitors.

  • Define the scope – Once the website’s goal is set, you need to define the scope of it. This would ideally include as what pages the website should have and its features to align itself to the goal. It should also include the timeline for its development.
  • Create sitemap and wireframe – Once you have the scope in place, you should be able to create a sitemap for it. A Sitemap provides the hierarchical view and flow of all the webpages of your site. You should also define the content and its features. This should relate to the features that were listed in the scope definition.
  • Create content – Once the picture of the website is clear and in place, you start to create content for the individual pages of the website. Here the important point is to keep Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in mind so that the pages would be focussed on a single topic.
  •  Visual elements – When the content and the site architecture is in place, you can start working on visual elements. This depends on the client and may be well-defined. Many tools support the visual elements like the moodboards, style tiles, and element collages.
  •  Testing – Once all the webpages are defined and in place, you will be able to see the way, webpages are being displayed to a site visitor. At this point, you should be able to conclude that all work is fine. Hence the stage of testing is important. The site functionality and its internal linking must be tested. Perform manual browsing of the website on many devices with automated site crawlers that help to identify the whole thing from the user experience issues to any broken links.
  • Launch – Once you as a web designer feels that everything works fine, it’s time to plan and execute the launch of the website. Launch of a website should include launch timing and the communication strategies, meaning that when are you going to launch and the way you will communicate to the world that this website exists.

Hope this helps you. Do let me know your views in comment section about other options which should be while making the web design more attractive.

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